Working to create a vibrant democracy
Promoting democracy
When it joined the Council of Europe, the Principality incorporated the European Convention on Human Rights into its legislation, thereby guaranteeing the protection of every individual’s basic rights, including freedom of expression and the exercise of electoral democracy. As defined by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, of which the National Council has been a member since 1948, this requires "genuine, free and fair elections held at regular intervals on the basis of universal, equal and secret suffrage".
Elections have also been observed by the Council of Europe, and the work of the Office of the Mayor of Monaco was praised: "in its capacity as the organiser of elections, [the Office] has done a commendable job with professionalism, efficiency and transparency during the electoral campaign, in the run-up to the elections and during the vote-counting, the transparency of which was remarkable". Electoral legislation was modernised to enable proxy voting, inmate voting and oversight of electoral campaign financing, in accordance with the recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). Finally, the Commune has enjoyed a greater degree of independence since an act of 2006, followed by the 2013 ratification of the European Charter of Local Self-Government.
Correspondingly, membership of the Council of Europe has fostered exchanges and the sharing of best practices among parliamentarians of all stripes within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). It was Monaco which proposed the Conference of Presidents of Parliament of the Small States of Europe, which meets annually at the parliament of one of its members. Learning about democracy is also a priority, both in the school curriculum followed by pupils in the Principality and through the Youth Economic, Social and Environmental Council and the National Youth Council.
Every year, the young council members have an opportunity to present to parliamentarians their draft resolutions on practical issues affecting society. Prince Albert II’s unwavering commitment on environmental issues and protecting the planet is fully in line with the Council of Europe’s promotion of sustainable democratic societies.